Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vernon Gregory Little's Letter to Santa Claus

Dear Santa Claus,

Stay the fuck away from my house you child-raping, pedophilic, people watching freak.

I know the truth about you man, you pretend to be this jolly ole man who just wants to bring hapiness to all the little children of the world. And I agree with that image, don’t get me wrong, just not the way the rest of the world does. You see, the truth about you is you are one sick old pervert. You enjoy sneaking into people’s houses in the dead of night “bringing them presents” and watching them, just watching us all year round. That is sick man! It’s called stalking! (Which by the way I’ve noticed is what you call those retarded little socks people hang ‘round their chimney so you can leave them a little ‘present’ in there, if you know what I mean.)

You are a liar you know? I mean not that I really give a shit about that but I do give a shit about a freaky ole man stalking me all year long and “watching me while I sleep”. Fuck you. You pretend to stuff all you presents for all the children in the world in that small sack you carry around, well I know where you really stuff that shit man…that’s right, down by the south pole.

The only thing I admire about you is you have 8 freaking reindeer as you slaves! And a whole shitload of little dwarf people working their asses off for you while you just sit back, stuff your face and enjoy ole Mrs. Claus…That’s nice boy, that’s nice.

Vernon ‘Get the fuck away from me’ Little

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


PANTALLA NEGRA: Sonidos de trafico. Motores, cláxones, insultos a lo lejos, etc.

INT. DIA: Coche de DANIEL. Vemos dos personas adolescentes de 17 años . DANIEL y RODRIGO. DANIEL maneja y RODRIGO va sentado en el asiento delantero junto a el. Ambos observan el tráfico, cansados.

Puta madre carbón, te dije que nos fuéramos
por esa callecita que te deja por Perisur.

Ay güey, no mames. No me eches la culpa,
No es mi pedo que en esta pinche ciudad hayan
tantos cabrones

Ya se güey, pero me…me caga wey

Ambos ríen. El trafico avanza pero muy lentamente. DANIEL ve la radio. Mete un disco de Led Zeppelin y pone la canción 6. Empieza Stairway to Heaven. DANIEL sonríe, relajado.

No mames güey, ¡quita eso!

¡Güey!...No va llegar el puto diablo a
violarte por escuchar esto.

No güey, pero si a tu mama. Ya carbón, neta quítalo.

Estás bien jodido güey, ¡¿como crees que esto
tiene mensajes subliminales?!

Lo vi en Youtube güey, es neta ya lo escuche,
me saco de pedo muy carbón.

Bueno, pues si ya lo escuchaste ‘tonces que pedo?

¡No me late estar en presencia de estas mamadas!

Ay carbón…Tu y tus putas supersticiones. Güey
el diablo no existe, no te va a dar mala suerte ver un gato negro,
que por cierto es racismo, no te va dar mala suerte pasar por
debajo de una escalera y tocar madera no va a prevenir algo!

Y si sí carbón, ¿que? ¿Algún pedo con mis supersticiones?
No te afectan, ya no seas culero.

Emm… si, si me afectan, no me dejas
escuchar a dios güey.

RODRIGO (quedito)
Solo cámbiala.

‘Ta bien güey, porque te quiero, ¡jaja!

DANIEL cambia a la siguiente canción. Otra de Led Zeppelin.


Pasa un rato, DANIEL canta la canción mientras que RODRIGO mira por la ventana.

RODRIGO (como a si mismo)
Que pendejada.


RODRIGO apunta a un cartel a la derecha del coche. Es del Partido Verde Ecologista de México. Dice “Porque nos interesa tu seguridad, Pena de muerte a asesinos y ladrones”

A OK, pensé que te referías a la canción,
ya te iba a sacar del coche, ¡jaja!

¡Jaja! No, es que la gente es pendeja estos días carbón.

Pues la neta si

Porque carajos hay gente que acepta esa estupidez,
ósea ¡matar a un humano!

Bueno, no es cualquier persona, solo asesinos y ladrones

¡Sigue siendo un humano güey! No es aceptable
que maten a alguien, no importa la razón.

Pues quien sabe, ósea no digo que estoy de acuerdo
pero esta carbón que lo peor que le hagan a esta
gente enferma es mandarlos a la cárcel. Digo, como
que pueden asesinar a mil cabrones y como castigo les
toca echar la hueva en un lugar el resto de su vida y ya.

No es echarla güey. Es una forma de sufrimiento muy cabrona,
les quitan su libertad, por lo tanto su vida.

Mmm…Yo no se carbón, ósea si mataran a alguien de mi familia,
y atraparan al culero que lo hizo, yo se que probablemente no
me sentiría satisfecho con eso, querría que el sufra igual que lo hizo
el miembro de mi familia. Lo querría muerto.

Si bueno pero-

O ¿Que tal que mataran a un amigo mío?
¿Qué tal que te mataran a ti güey?
¿Qué haría entonces?

C/U cara de RODRIGO, se ve claramente como se pone nervioso

¡Puta madre güey! ¿Porque dices eso aquí?

DANIEL (sarcástico)
¡Ay nooo! No hay madera que tocar, ¿Qué vas a hacer?

Güey no es cagado

RORDRIGO se pone muy nervioso, empiezan a surgirle tics nerviosos. Voltea a ver a su alrededor, busca un pedazo de madera que tocar, o algo son que alivianar su maldición.

EXT. DIA: Tienda de madera. Esta justo del otro lado de la calle de donde esta pasando el coche con DANIEL y RODRIGO.
Este lado de la calle esta vacío, no hay trafico. Donde están RODRIGO y DANIEL en cambio, esta embotellado.

INT. DIA: Coche de DANIEL.

RODRIGO ve la tienda de madera. Se le agrandan los ojos, emocionado y alivianado.
RODRIGO ríe y voltea a ver a DANIEL.

¡Jaja no mames!

Dios me ama

¡Jaja! Si güey.

El tráfico sigue casi absolutamente parado de su lado de la calle. Hay una entrada a esta misma calle que esta vacía, justo enfrente de la tienda de madera. RODRIGO abre la puerta del coche rápidamente y se empieza a quitar el cinturón.

No mames, ¿es enserio carbón? ¿te vas a bajar ahorita?

RODRIGO termina con su cinturón, se baja corriendo del coche

RODRIGO (gritando mientras corre)
¡Ahuevo que si, jaja!

DANIEL (grita)
¡No chingues güey!

RODRIGO sigue riendo mientras comienza a cruzar la calle, a la mitad se da media vuelta para ver a DANIEL y levanta sus hombros de forma irónica mientras ríe. En ese momento se escucha un claxon muy fuerte.

EXT. DIA: Un coche acelerando

C/U a la parte frontal del coche, el cual no frena.
Más claxonazos.

EXT. DIA: Calle en la cual se encuentra RODRIGO cruzando.

C/U cara de terror de RODRIGO al voltear a ver al coche.

INT. DIA: Coche de DANIEL.

Se escucha un grito y un terrible choque.

C/U cara de DANIEL. Ojos abiertos en terror y asombro.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Opinion on Censorship


What is the point of censoring material? Is it to keep us safe from something we all know is there? Is it to prevent things from being shared? Or is it to save the children?
Even though these seem like different questions they’re really all asking the same thing: Who decides who should view what in this world?

Censorship is something I agree with, but not to the extent we live it today. I don’t believe the radio should censor bad words in song lyrics, that there should be age requirements for movies or certain plays, and I don’t believe the government (authority figures) should decide what to censor and from whom.

Censorship is something that should be decided upon by individual families. Nothing should really be censored out there, but individual families should have the choice of deciding what their children can watch, listen to, etc. For example, a movie should have a recommended age of appropriateness, but if a certain family thinks their child is mature enough to view a certain movie, he should be perfectly allowed to walk in freely, and not denied access because of his age (like it happens in many cinemas).

Radio networks should just announce that they may sometimes transmit music with a “Parental Advisory” label on it, and then this way, people who would rather not listen to it could just change the station, whilst others who do, could listen to it without restrictions.

I also believe it’s absolute crap is that people actually believe a certain age makes you completely mature. If we are not allowed to view a certain movie because we’re 17 and 364 days old, why can we suddenly be allowed to watch it the next day? It’s not like all of the sudden a magic ray of light fell on top of us that night and made us Mr. Mature. This is why I think ratings should only be recommendations (which they are in some countries) rather that “age of acceptance”.

Figures of authority have no right to decide what to censor. I’ve read that in some parts of the world, certain musicians are banned because of the ideals they express in their music; also certain movies, authors, etc. are banned! This is just plain wrong, they’re taking away our whole right of expression and freedom of speech! Why just the other day in school my short film wasn’t shown (even though they said they would) because it had “bad” language in it!

Bad language is a myth, who’s to say what’s right and what’s wrong? (It may be their use is inappropriate at times but they shouldn’t be censored because of it). It’s not like there are certain words that should never be uttered, everyone knows them, and everyone speaks them or at least has once in their lives. It is complete stupidity to think that by listening to words like Fuck, Cunt and Bitch (which you just read) will change your life forever, and think that little kids will repeat them just because they hear them. They repeat them because adults tell them not to!

Forced censoring is unnecessary and should be replaced by the decision to censor

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Flashback (short story)

The Flashback

7:28 p.m.

What the hell’s going on? Where am I? Why can’t I remember anything?

As I look around, I realize I’m under a desk in a sort of office. There’s a chair turned over in front of me, lots of papers scattered around it, everything’s in disorder. Upon further inspection I realize I’m drenched in sweat, a gun in my hand.


A shot goes off close by, though not in this room, that I can tell.

What the hell’s happening?!

The face of a man: “Look, we ain’t done nothin’ wrong, let us go!”

Another face: “He’s getting away sir!”

Blurry images of cars and people shouting flash by in my mind’s eye.

I’m outside a building. A bunch of police cars pull up behind me with their sirens on, I go into the building with the gun in my hand.

What the-? Am I being followed by the cops? I can’t picture myself doing something wrong enough to get the police involved. But then what? No time to think now, I’m being shot at! I get up and stumble towards the door, as I do so a second shot is fired in the next room, followed by a blood chilling scream. After less that a second, I hear a thump as a body falls to the floor limply.

6:42 p.m.

“Oh come on ‘Dirty Joe’ I know you did it, so just give it up” I say to this ugly bastard sitting in front of me in the interrogation room.

“Look, we ain’t done nothin’ wrong, let us go!” He replies.

“Your buddy just confessed to it in the other room”

“WHAT?! That son of a B-! I mean, no man, I don’t believe you, we ain’t gone and killed that woman” The jig’s up, he just confessed involuntarily. Oldest trick in the book.

“No, no you didn’t,” I say calmly. “you raped her as well you sick bastard!”

“Screw you”

I turn and leave, my job here is done.

7:13 p.m.

As I get ready to leave, Officer Johnson comes running at me screaming:

“He’s getting away sir!”


“Joe, he disarmed the guard and shot him, he’s out of the building!”

“Damn it! Let’s go!” I shout and run with him and the rest of the present officers out of HQ. I get into the car on the passenger’s seat, Johnson drives.

We follow Dirty Joe to a building.

7:26 p.m.

We’re here, I don’t know why he decided to get into this building. I get out of the car and the rest of the officers pull up behind us. I take the lead and run into the building, after Joe.

I follow him up to the third floor where I lose him. I go into the first office I see, nothing, I turn to leave and Joe is at the entrance, I shoot at him as I get behind a desk and knock a chair over on the way, I miss. He does the same and misses, however I fall hard on my head and fall unconscious.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Beggining of a First-Person Story:

Night at the Cemetery

Ghosts? Haha! I used to laugh at the sheer prospect of them. I mean who the hell could believe in such things, the spirits of the dead coming back because of some unfulfilled desire? Bullshit!

This is what I thought before Friday night. That night changed my life for ever.

“Come on man, don’t be such a pussy!” I urged Zack.
“Look man, I have no problem with you guys going off and getting yourselves into all kinds of shit, just don’t drag me into it!” Zack answered in a firm voice.
“Dude, there are no such things as Evil Spirits…oooh!” I replied mockingly.
“Yeah Z, come on dude, we’ll all have a laugh” Urged Rob.

And so continued this conversation until we convinced Zack to come along with us to the graveyard by Brown Avenue. It was supposed to be an unforgettable night, full of drinking and teenage stupidity with a couple ghost stories thrown in. The best Halloween night ever, spending the night in an old spooky graveyard with nothing but our sleeping bags, a couple flashlights and of course, underage drinking.

We were a group of four. Zack, Rob, Jane and me, Mark Zimmerman. All of us were 17 at the time, except for Rob who turned 18 a couple days before Halloween. It had been an arduous job to get Zack to come along, but after mentioning that Jane was coming it wasn’t so hard, he had a huge crush on her and wherever she went he was soon to follow.

Our plan was ready a couple days before Halloween and now all we had to do was wait. I was planning on scaring the shit out of Zack as he was the only one who truly believed all this ghost stuff and was scared shitless of going to the graveyard in the day let alone spend a night in one. During these couple boring days of waiting around for Halloween to come I elaborated a plan with Rob and Jane to fuck with our pal.

“Alright, so Jane, you distract him and me and Rob will go off with the excuse of having to pee. During this time you’ll make him forget we’re gone and we’ll set it up.” I explained the plan to Jane. The basics of it was to have enough time to place our small speakers around our “camping site” without innocent Zack getting suspicious. You see, the graveyard is surrounded by woods, making it all the more cliché type eerie, which was perfect for spooking Zack. Me and Rob would go take a piss and place a couple of portable speakers in the woods, close to our sleeping place. We had just finished recording a vast number of spooky yet subtle sounds. A variety of shuffling leaves, branches braking under footsteps, a couple ghostly moans and one or two distant screams of pain. This was sure to scare the shit out of Zack. We would all play along and get the living fuck scared out of him. This was gonna be great!

“Ok, but how am I supposed to keep him interested for so long?” asked Jane.
“I don’t know Jane, come on, you have the easiest job of all!” I said.
“Oh, just use your boob charm, that’s bound to entertain him for a while” added Rob with a laugh, always with his retarded comments.
“Oh fuck you…” was her answer.
“Come on baby, you know it works, haha!” came Rob’s reply.

Finally, Halloween came. Everything was ready. We were in Rob’s car, on our way to the cemetery.
“Hey, have you guys seen Eagle Eye yet? ‘Cause you know, there’s a show playing at the mall in like 30 minutes and I’m feeling generous, we could go. I’ll pay…” Zack said, trying to worm his way out of the night.
“Yeah, we’ve all seen it man, as a matter of fact, we saw it with you dude, you’re not squirming your way out of this Zack!” said Rob. Zack’s face twisted in a slight worry.
“Dude, you’re putting too much importance on the graveyard man! Just chill, imagine we’re camping on a beautiful hill, full of bunnies and they’re all fluffy and stuff!” I said.
“That’s so gay bro.” Said Rob.
“Oh shut the fuck up man, you want him to leave?” I said.
“Sorry…Bunnies Zack! Isn’t that just awesome!” said Rob with mocking enthusiasm. Zack just sighed and looked out the window.
“Come on Zack, it’ll be fun” encouraged Jane.
“Yeah you’re probably right” he said, easily convinced by her.

12:06 p.m. The fire is set, we’re all in our sleeping bags, telling ghost stories, me and Rob are getting ready to set everything up, when I say “I gotta go pee” everything will start.
“…and now, every Halloween night you can hear her moaning in the woods for the lost life of her children, some say you can even hear their cries of pain as they were brutally murdered by the serial killers as well.” Rob finished up his story.

Already I could see lines of worry in Zack’s face as he regretted ever coming. This was the perfect moment to strike.

“I gotta go pee” I said.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Dramatic" Monologue of a Catch 22 Character

Major Major Major Major
Should have been called Caleb but my father
was a pig. Stop talking about Fonda,
he can suck my cock, ‘cause I look more like
The Rock! Get out of my office and let
no one in, I’ll take no calls, say that I’m
in a meeting! Oh no! more papers from
Lebanon, fuck it, I’ll just sign Washington

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Sexy Art Gallery

11:15 am.

I was standing in Bellas Artes observing an art gallery on a school filed trip. There were many interesting pieces; some were sad, others joyful yet I’ve never truly appreciated art so I was just drifting by from one to another, not spending more than a dozen seconds on each.

This particular section of the gallery was empty for the moment as I had been the first of my class to go through the first four rooms, taking no interest in them. The only other person in the room apart from myself was one of those annoying guards they have in every room of every gallery in the world just so they can annoy you with their high-point-of-the-day-phrase: “Please don’t step over the line sir” even though just an inch of your foot is over it.

I was just about to leave the room when a voice made me stop:

“Hey handsome…” It was a sexy voice.

I turned around yet saw nothing but the guard standing all the way on the other side of the room giving me the occasional warning glance as to not step over the line because my foot being an inch over it could ruin the painting.

I was confused as to where the voice had come from, the only logical explanation was the guard. He was a man. Therefore I immediately looked away and made my way towards the door quickly.

“Oh don’t leave now babe…” came the sexy voice again. However this time I managed to look at the guard before the voice finished saying the phrase and managed to see he wasn’t the source of the voice. Relieved as I was, I was still freaked out about a mysterious voice coming from someplace.

“Look over here…” it said again.

So I did. I looked around and I couldn’t believe it. There, in front of my very own eyes, on the wall hung a painting of a naked woman and she was moving!

What the f*ck?! I thought to myself
“Come over here beautiful…” the painted lady beckoned. I moved closer until I was dangerously close to the line, the guard looked at me but said nothing, he was listening to music with his headphones so he heard nothing out of the ordinary.

“What are you standing around there for?” she said “Take me”
“Wha…hmm..who..say..wha…?” I managed to answer.
“Don’t you find me sexy?” she said and softly stroked her fun parts.
I was speechless.
“Well go on, take me, take me now, here…” she continued.
“Excuse me? You’re a painting! How can this be real, how, what are- why? Ugh…”
“Do I make you nervous honey? Is this too much? Should I cover up?”
“What? No!” Was my instinctive reply, I don’t know why but my instincts told me never to ask a naked woman to put on some clothes.
“So then…what’s the problem, am I not attractive enough?” as she said this she got into a very enticing pose and started touching herself.
“I…uh…no…very attractive…” I trailed off, I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
“Then take me! Make love to me you handsome beast!”
“What? Are you insane?! We’re in an art gallery! And by the way, just in case you haven’t noticed you’re part of it, you’re a painting for Christ’s sake!”
“So?” she said as she continued rubbing herself and moaning.
“So?! What the hell do you mean so?! I can’t have sex with a painting! It’s not possible!”
“Oh isn’t it? The how come people have sex with all other kinds of things?”

I didn’t reply, I wasn’t quite sure what she meant.
“Come on, you know what I mean my love, zoophilics, necrophilics, etc. Why can’t you be a paintaphilic or something? Come on, you know you want me you sexy man…Plus I bet it feels better than normal sex, think of all the colors and emotions this painting contains swirling around you…”
“That’s crazy! I’m not doing it with a painting!” I shouted a little too loudly for the guard turned his head towards me. I smiled at him inoffensively.
“Oh well…” she said innocently “I guess I’ll just have to sleep alone with no one to rub this oil all over my body…” she took a tube of massage oil from a corner of her painting and started to pour it all over her naked body.

My jaw was hanging open, I couldn’t resist her any longer. I took the painting from the wall and ran as fast as my feet could carry me.

The guard sprang to action.
“Hey! What are you doing?!” he shouted as he ran towards me.
“Something unspeakable!” I shouted back and ran away holding the painting all the way home.

By, Carlos Zozaya

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hamburger Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger Hamburger (Written in the style of Catch 22)

Hamburger Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger Hamburger

It was love at first sight.
When Joe first saw McDonald’s he fell madly in love with it. Everyone thought he was crazy because he could never decide between a hamburger and a cheeseburger. Even Angus had told him he was crazy a week ago.

“I just can’t decide” Joe had said.
“Well, you better decide soon because there’s a long line of people waiting” Angus had replied.

Indeed there was. There were 7 people in line. The person right behind them was an 80 year old woman who smelled of death much like the half dead guy Joe had found in his car that day; she had a wrinkled old face and pink glasses and reminded Joe of his grandmother Susie which he had never liked so he immediately took a dislike to the old woman.

“If I get the hamburger I get less calories because the hamburger has no cheese, but if I don’t get the hamburger and I get the cheeseburger then I get the cheese from the cheeseburger. I love cheese. But if I get the cheeseburger then I would get all the calories from the cheese the cheeseburger has, so I think I’ll get the hamburger…”
Angus was just about to say “Good choice” when Joe cut him of and said:
“…Although I do love cheese…”
Angus sighed and said impatiently:
“Do you want the cheese?”
“Good, then get the cheeseburger”
“But If I get the cheeseburger I’ll get fat”
“Great, so then get the hamburger!”
“But I want the cheese”
“So the just get the cheeseburger!!!”
“Oh come on Angus, you know I’m trying to watch my figure and cheese has too many calories!”
“Jesus Christ!!! You’re Crazy Joe, you know that? Crazy!”
“You know what?” Said Joe “Let’s just go to Burger King and see what they’ve got there”.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Creature (Another idea for a story I have)


“I’m so hot!” said one of the two 8 year olds walking in the woods. It was about 4:00pm on a summer day, the woods were very hot at this time of the year and a very dangerous place for children; they were well aware of this but felt like exploring and had run off before their parents knew anything about it. As they kept on walking through the woods the second kid grinned and looked back at the other. “Cheer up Sammy, we’re almost there!” he said. “But I’m really hot Jim!” said Sammy. They kept on walking as Jim said “Be patient, you’ll like what I’m about to show you”. Sammy had no choice but to keep on going, he was almost 8 years old and a little chubby, he was wearing his favorite pair of trousers and a white shirt. Jim was 4 months older than Sammy and thought himself to be the bravest kid of their village. He was dressed in a blue T-shirt and some black pants.

“Eww, what’s that?” Sammy had spotted a black lump sitting at the bottom of a tree. They both got closer and Jim said “It’s just a raccoon.” But before he kept on going Sammy said “But…why is it dead?” with a hint of terror in his voice. “Don’t worry about it, it probably just fell from the tree.” Jim said calmly, but he had noticed it had been ripped apart on one side of it’s body and couldn’t have just died by falling of a tree.

However, Jim said nothing to Sammy so as not to scare him. They paused for a moment by the tree to rest just a little, but then kept on going.

After a few minutes they started spotting some more dead animals, Jim ignored them and kept on walking straight but Sammy, on the other hand, was beginning to get scared and started sweating and breathing heavily. They passed about 10 animals, all ripped apart, slaughtered by someone; or something…

“Yes!” said Jim as they reached their destination. It was a small crystal clear river about 3 meters wide and 10 centimeters deep. “Now we can refresh ourselves” said Jim happily to his friend. Sammy was so glad to get the heat off of himself that he immediately forgot all about being scared and took off his trousers and T-shirt and got in. The river was very shallow so only his feet were in once he got in, but when Jim got in as well they started splashing around and having fun.

As they were splashing around, one of the trees overhead shuffled, but they were having too much fun to notice. They only realized that something was in the tree when they heard a soft growling sound coming from it. They both looked up and saw nothing, so they kept on playing. Suddenly “Wooa!What the…?!” Said Jim as something fell on the river. As they got closer to the thing and inspected it, they saw it was a dead sparrow, it had fallen from the tree and was covered in blood…

“That’s it” said Sammy now really scared, “I’m getting out of here!” but just before he got up he heard Jim’s blood chilling scream behind him. He turned around and there it was, climbing down from the tree like a black panther, it was the Creature.


Dreamland (A story i'm writing, based on Area 51)


By, Carlos Zozaya


July 2 1947,

Roswell, New Mexico

8:36 p.m.

Today seemed to be a normal day in the eyes of George Williams, nothing special had happened. But it was only a couple of minutes from now that George and his family would experience something that would change their lives for ever…

As he gazed over the plain, George was thankful for these long weekends during which he was able to spend time with his family. He was only a simple farmer but this wasn’t an easy job as many may imagine, it required many hours of hard work and he was only able to be with his family during these weekends which he so looked forward to. It was in fact a Monday but the Farm had closed today because the owner was feeling sick and so he decided to let the workers have the day off.

He was sitting just outside his house, on his porch with his wife Mary and his son George Junior looking over a huge plain that stretched for miles and miles with nothing specific to look at. It was just a simple enough plain; a couple trees here and there, a few animals passing by and miles and miles of soil. George Junior was 7 years old at the time, but he would remember what was about to happen for the rest of his life.

Theirs was the only house for miles. Located on a hillside, overlooking the country, it was a plain house. Even though it was made of wood and was quite small it was a decent enough home for these three people, it had everything they needed to live a quiet, happy life. George was sitting on his favorite rocking chair taking in the sight. It was nothing special, but he appreciated it none the less, he loved all the uncomplicated things in life. Mary was sitting next to him on another rocking chair and was sewing a new sweater for her son. She did this often because George Jr. loved playing in the mud a lot and therefore ended up either covering the sweaters up with mud, rendering them useless or ripping them one way or another. But all this was fine with his mother for she loved sewing and found it a very relaxing way to pass the day.

At the time George Jr. was sitting on the bottom step of the front porch, playing harmlessly with his new red fire truck which he had gotten as a present from his aunt Sylvia who’d come to visit him on his birthday June 3rd.

As she yawned, Mary said to her husband “Well, it’s getting a little late hon and you know I didn’t sleep real well last night. So I’m gonna give you boys a little father-son time and go to sleep” To this George replied “Alright honey, I’ll be in soon enough”. After this Mary got up and went back into the house after giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. George looked over to his son who was really into a story he had made up with his truck. He was making all kinds of noises and explosion sounds as he moved the truck back and forth over and over again. George laughed gently when he saw this, he missed those days when you could be so careless and happy no matter what; the years had weighed him down, but never the less he was very grateful for what he had.

“Come on over here son” he said to George Jr. who put down his truck, ran to his dad and jumped on his lap. They both laughed as George said: “You know I love you right?” “Yes!” came the playful reply. “Good” said George “good…” They both felt happy and just sat there for a couple minutes gazing into the horizon and the night sky., unaware of what was about to happen.



-“What is up there, beyond the sky?”

-“Heaven son. A beautiful place where God lives and watches over us. Everything that happens is because of him, it all happens for a reason, he takes care of us from up there. We will both someday join him up there but let’s hope it’s a long time until that happens, right?”

-“No, not heaven, I mean that big thing in the sky” and he pointed to something up in the skies.

George got up and looked closely above them. There was indeed something that appeared to be falling from the sky. A round flat shiny thing seemed to be falling faster and faster. George was frozen, he couldn’t move, he could only keep gazing up at the object, and so could his son. “What is it daddy?” came the innocent question from his son. But by then the object was getting huge, bigger and bigger, hurling towards them.

“Get into the house!” said George frantically, but the little boy could only stare up at the object in shock, neither of them had seen anything like it before. “I said get in!” screamed George and grabbed his son by the waist and ran quickly into the house with him. He put his son down who was now so scared he was gently sobbing. George ran to the window that looked over the plain and watched in horror. It was a huge metallic shiny disc hurling at an alarming speed towards the ground! George looked away and ran to tell his wife what was happening. She was reluctant to get up, she was really sleepy and couldn’t really understand what her husband was saying.

BOOM! A huge deafening sound shook the entire house. This definitely woke her up. The both looked at each other in horror and ran outside.

Fire all over the plain. They walked to the edge of the hillside and looked down. The huge flying disc was shattered; it had crashed onto the earth and exploded. Fire engulfed the scene, it was horrible. What had happened? Neither of them could comprehend it. But it got worse…as they looked closer they could see dozens of bodies spread around the wreckage! Some moved, others twitched, but most lay eerily still. However it got weirder still, all these bodies seemed to be in a certain way deformed. They were shaped a little different, unlike our bodies, they didn’t seem human.

This was no act of God…

Chapter I

July 16, 2008

Stevens Residence, Washington D.C.

5:53 a.m.

James Stevens was awoken by the violent ringing of his telephone…

He was 27 years old, lived alone and with his profession he should have gotten used to being woken up early with different emergencies by now. But he hadn’t gotten used to it, in fact he got really pissed off by it. As a Genetics Engineer, he was constantly awakened in the middle of the night by co-workers with all sorts of different things. You see, he was the boss of a facility dedicated to scientific research, especially everything to do with DNA samples and things concerning the body. Sometimes they had to notify him of different observations they had made on new blood samples, or new minor discoveries. Sometimes they needed him to come down to Head Quarters to view something for himself and tell them how to proceed. He was the best of the best at his job.

He picked up the phone, hoping he wasn’t needed somewhere, he was incredibly tired.

-“Yes?” he managed to mumble.

-“Is this Mr. Stevens?” said an unfamiliar male voice.

-“Who wants to know?” asked James, too tired to fake interest.

-“My name is Robert Smith, I work at Groom Lake” Replied the voice.

-“Yes, this is Mr. Stevens, what do you want” he didn’t know what the hell Groom Lake was and didn’t care why this guy was calling him.

Again the voice replied: “I am speaking on behalf of Miss Catherine Wells, she is the Head of Operations down here at Groom Lake and we are in need your assistance” James was getting tired of this guy “Look pal, I don’t know what that place is and frankly don’t care, I’m really tired and if you need to talk to me please be kind enough to call me at a decent hour” He was about to hang up when the voice said something that grabbed his attention.

-“You may have heard of Groom Lake as Area 51”

Now James was intrigued, as a kid he had always been very interested in all the conspiracy theories concerning this place. Constantly had he thought about the people who claimed to have seen UFO’s around this place and he was very interested in what was really going on. Deep inside he didn’t really believe these conspiracies but he liked to keep an open mind. He had heard about the incident in Roswell in 1947 and had always wondered what had really happened, had an alien spacecraft really crashed there or had it in fact been, like the government claimed, only a weather balloon testing gone bad?

“Area 51? Yeah right pal, thanks for calling, good night” He said, he didn’t believe this call was for real. Area 51 was one of the most secretive places on the entire planet; even the United States government denied its existence. “We need you down here immediately, there are many lives at risk and we know you are the best genetics engineer there is” said the voice, it sounded serious. “Oh yeah?” James decided to play along.

-“What is this about?” he asked.

-“I cannot discuss it over the phone but we have sent an agent to get you and bring you down here immediately.” came the calm voice.

- “What?! How do I know this is for real?” asked James as he sat up on his bed.

-“Go over to your window, I cannot discuss this anymore, we’ll be waiting Mr. Stevens”

The line went dead…

James Stevens sat on his bed pondering what had just happened, could this be real? He couldn’t accept it, why would they want him over at Area 51? Sure, he was good at his job, but there were certainly many better scientists out there than him. Besides, he thought Area 51 was a weapons and vehicle testing facility, according to the government, so why would they need a scientist?

Anyway, James did as he had been told, just out of curiosity and got up from his bed and looked out his window. There, on the sidewalk there was a person formally dressed standing next to a black car. This seemed normal except the car had the presidential seal on its side.

This was no joke, it was real.

Chapter II

July 16, 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada

9:13 am.

James Stevens was in a car headed at full speed towards one of the most luxurious hotels in Las Vegas, The Four Seasons hotel. He still couldn’t believe all that had happened in the last 3 hours. This is crazy he thought as he looked around and saw all the casinos and fancy restaurants they were passing, it was amazing that even though it was morning, their lights were still flashing with life. How can this really be happening? I mean for Christ’s sake, I’m in Vegas and I have no idea what’s happening!

James replayed what had happened in the last 3 hours in his head in an attempt to comprehend what was happening. First the phone call. Then the car with the presidential seal, which was identical to the one he was sitting in at the moment. He had quickly packed a small suitcase with all the essentials, including clothes for a couple days. Afterwards the driver of the mysterious car had offered no explanation as to what was going on, all he seemed to be able to say was that he had orders to take him to the airport and put him on a private jet that would transport him to Las Vegas. That was what had happened next, he was rushed onto a jet which also bared the presidential seal. Onboard he had been treated with respect and kindness. There had been only one stewardess, as he was the only passenger, who had been incredibly kind and had offered him drinks and food but had shed no light on what was taking place as she knew nothing of it. Once he landed (the flight wasn’t very long) he was transported to another black car, and this was where he was now.

-“Look, I know you people apparently don’t know anything about what is happening here, but you gotta tell me something! Come on! I mean at least tell me where we are headed” Said James to the new driver.

-“We are going to the Four Seasons Hotel” He replied seriously, showing no emotion.

-“The Four Seasons?! Wow…” Fancy. “And why exactly is it you are taking me here?”

-“All I know sir is that I am to take you to this location so that you can meet with Miss Wells” Replied the driver.

Miss Wells huh? Where have I heard that name before? Thought James. He remembered having heard it, he just didn’t remember where exactly. The phone call! That’s where, the guy said something about a Miss Katrina Wells! Or was it Cordelia? No, it was definitely Katrina…Or Catherine?

Whatever her name was, he was glad that he at least knew something, He was on his way to meet this mysterious and seemingly important woman. He remembered the voice of the phone call having said something about her having an important position at Area 51. Still after thinking about all this he couldn’t help but wonder why he was so needed at a top secret location inside which no one knew what lay awaiting.

Chapter III

July 16, 2008

Williams Residence, New York City

3:18 p.m.

-“Hey handsome, welcome home. How was your day?” Said Susan to her husband who was just arriving. Even though she was 68 years old, she was still a beautiful woman who looked much younger.

-“Oh you know, tiring” Said George Williams Junior in response.

As Susan gave George Jr. a kiss, he was very happy to have found her and married her. She was the perfect woman for him to grow old with. They had married at age 23, and they both had the curiosity of having the same birthday. Neither of them had really wanted to have kids, so they had decided against it.

After talking a little while with his wife, exhausted from the day at school, he slumped down on the couch in front of the TV He had grown up to be a History teacher at Brooklyn College and even though he loved his job, those kids tended to wear him out.

As he turned on the TV and started watching the news, he wasn’t expecting to hear something that would bring back those awful memories of 61 years ago.

-“Police Officials in Oaxaca, Mexico are investigating the appearance of figures flattened on Mexican crops a couple hours ago. The apparent Crop Circles were said to appear over night in a corn field where corn grower José Gutierrez had this to say:” Said the female news reporter on screen.

The TV was now displaying a dark skinned man, standing in front of a field. He was standing next to a young male news reporter who was holding a microphone to the dark skinned man’s mouth. The Mexican man was speaking frantically into the microphone in Spanish:

-“No, pues ire, yo me desperté bien temprano pa trabajar y cuando salgo de mi casa pos no ma! Esta pinche forma rara estaba aplastada mi campo de elotes.” He said, while on screen the subtitles read: “Well, look, I Woke up early to work in my field but when I came out there was this fucking strange shape flattened on my corn field”

-“Did you hear or see anything strange the night before?” Asked the male reporter in Spanish

-“Nada” and the subtitles read: “Nothing”

George couldn’t believe his eyes, now the screen was showing an aerial view of the corn field, It was like something out of the movie Signs. The shape was a series of symbols branching of a main centre circle, towards the top of the circle there branched of another circle and towards the bottom branched of a triangular shape. It was perfectly made, there were no paths leading to it from any edge of the field, as if it had been a seal stamped on the field from the skies.

Now the Newswoman said:

-“This isn’t the first Crop Circle to appear in the last couple of months, there have been similar appearances, with no explanation in several countries. The latest have been Spain, Germany, Chile, Russia and Canada.” As she said each countries name, aerial images of crops appeared, displaying similar shapes to the one in Mexico. They all looked flawless, as if made by a huge machine of very advanced technology.

George was astonished, he had read a lot about Crop Circles and always believed they were true. He was convinced that what he had seen that fateful night 61 years ago was linked to these events and neither of them were from this world.

Chapter IV

July 16, 2008

Four Seasons Hotel, Las Vegas

3:33 p.m.

Mr. Stevens,

Thank you for coming, I am glad you agreed to help. Enclosed are $8,000. Please feel free to use it on whatever you feel necessary, whether it be new clothes for your stay, or simply for gambling. Just don’t tire yourself out too much, we need you well rested. Please enjoy your stay today because tomorrow the real work will begin.

Thank You,

Catherine Wells, Head of Groom Lake Operations

James was confused as he put down the letter that had been left in his hotel room bed, which by the way was the most amazing hotel room he had ever seen. It was huge! It had 2 floors, a King Size bed and all the accommodations you can imagine, including a couple sofas, a fireplace and a plasma 55 inch TV.

The part that had him confused and more than a little irritated was the “well rested” part. We need you well rested? Then why the fuck did you wake me up at fucking 6 a.m.?! Although those thoughts quickly vanished when he remembered the part about the $8,000 Dollars. He definitely planned on spending them, this Catherine woman owed him that much at least, she had made him travel half way round the United States with no explanation whatsoever. Oh he was going to spend it all right, all of it. He was ready for an all day out in Las Vegas.

Chapter V

July 16, 2008

The White House, Washington D.C

4:03 p.m.

Catherine Wells was excited yet at the same time kind of scared as she was escorted to the presidents private office. She was a very attractive woman, 31 years old and very smart also. Her amazing ability to take charge and lead had landed her a job right under the president of the United States. She was the head of operations at Groom Lake and took her job very seriously. She had access to every secret piece of information the government had, she knew the truth about every single mystery in the United States History, including the moon landing, the Kennedy assassination and especially everything inside and around Area 51.

She’d had to postpone meeting Mr. Stevens. She had decided to leave him a little money as a “sorry” gift. She was sure he wasn’t going to spend it anyway, she had left a lot as a way to show him how he was dealing with powerful employers and as a way to impose power over him.

Now as she walked towards the presidents office, she couldn’t help but grin as she thought of the reason she had come down here. The phone conversation.

-“Catherine, I need you to come over here immediately. I have something you must see.” The President had said.

-“How important is it Mr. President, I was just on my way to meet with our new genetics engineer” She had answered.

-“Damn it Catherine! I’m calling you personally from my private line in the middle of the day, how important do you think it is? I mean, god damn it, it’s concerning Project Dreamland!”

-“I’m sorry Mr. President, I’ll be over right away”

And with that the call had ended. She was here now, on her way to see just exactly what the president had deemed so urgent and important that it couldn’t wait, something he could share only with her. She wasn’t surprised of course, matters concerning Project Dreamland could rarely wait. This was a project only she and him knew fully about; Nobody else had the full picture, some of them had minor details like the people working over at Groom Lake, but no one knew enough to even begin to comprehend the scale of this project.

-“Here we are Miss Wells, go right in, the president is expecting you” Said her escort politely as she pointed to the fancy white door in front of them.

Catherine did as she was told to and opened the door. As she stepped inside and closed the door behind her, she could overhear the president on the phone.

-“Yes Jerry, burn the other copies…No, I said keep none, not one…Yes I have the only necessary one here with me…Ok…Remember this is security level 10…no one must know…ok then, I got to go, thank you…bye.”

Catherine walked over to his desk as he hung up.

-“You wanted to see me Mr. President?” She said as she lowered herself onto a seat.

-“Ah, Catherine, you’re here. Good. I have something to show you. Now, I know I don’t need to remind you that this is security level 10, but I will anyway. This is security level 10, you got that?” He said seriously as he pointed a remote control to a TV right behind Catherine.

-“Yes Mr. President, sir.”

Now the TV flickered to life and the video it was displaying was something Catherine had never expected, it confirmed their worst fears and made their initial take on Project Dreamland seem like a joke, the situation was far worse than what they had forseen.

EFW#3- Discussing a Quote

I chose the quote “Why Do We Dream When Our Thoughts Mean Nothing?” (Serenity by Godsmack)†

I just found this an incredibly deep quote. Do our thoughts mean nothing? I believe they do mean nothing when you’re trying to get someone to listen to your opinion, to get yourself heard, and people just won’t listen. So to most people out there, our thoughts do mean nothing. They are not interested in what we have to say.

However I do think our thoughts are very meaningful at other times. Every great idea comes from an original thought. For example an idea for a movie plot comes from the screenwriter’s mind, a thought in his mind. The very song that I got this quote from was born from the bands thoughts. Our thoughts can inspire, or simply be ignored by others.

This discussion could become a very deep one and go on for a long time but I’m satisfied with what I think:

I believe it can go either way; it’s up to each individual’s personal opinion.

† Serenity, track 12 from Godsmack’s “Faceless” Album. April 8 2003. Length 4:34

EFW#2- "A Guide To Surviving The Gulags, By Ivan Denisovich" Script

“Survival Guide”
“By Ivan Denisovich Shukhov – S 854-“

Written by:
Horacio Romo
Carlos Zozaya


Sec 1. Images of gulags.

Alternation of images and videos of Russian gulags.

Gulag originally was the name of a government agency, however the acronym acquired the qualities of a noun, denoting: the Soviet system of prison-based, un-free labor — including specific labor, punishment, criminal, political, and transit camps for men, women, and children. Thus, "Gulag" means the repressive Soviet "meat-grinder" procedural system and its consequences — arrests, interrogations, transport (in unheated rail road cattle cars), forced labor, familial separation, exile, and early death

Images change to archeologists digging up stuff at what was once a Gulag.

In 1998 a group of historians were doing some research on what was once a Russian Gulag. When investigating a prisoner’s room they found a book. It was hidden in a hole in the wall. It was a diary, written by someone called Ivan Denisovich Shukhov. In this diary were describes 4 basic survival rules for living in the gulags. They show the nightmare people experienced in there.


Survival Guide
By Ivan Denisovich Shukhov – S 854-



Sec 2. INT. Interviewing Room. Day

Interview to historian “Alexander Solzhenitsyn”.

IN the diary Shukhov set us four main rules to surviving in thes gulags. The first one was, as he says, the most important one: Respect the guards and do what they tell you to do.


Sec 3. Images of guards with prisoners.

Ivan tells us that guards are in control. If you didn’t follow orders, or disrespect them, you would be punished.


Sec. 4 Images of Guards killing Prisoners

Various fast paced videos of guards killing prisoners in a comic “dark humor” way.

Sec. 5 Images of prisoners

There were different types of punishment such as extra work, lock-ups or death

Sec. 6 Images of Guards killing Prisoners

Various fast paced videos of guards killing prisoners in a comic “dark humor” sort of way.

Sec. 7 INT. Interviewing room. Day

An old former prisoner of the gulags called Gopchik Ibrahimovich sits in the light.

GOPCHIK (Talking slowly and tired)
We were severely punished. They gave us days and days of extra work! They took away our food rations and most of the time they just killed us of…

Sec.8 Images of guards abusing prisoners.

Sometimes I saw others being taken away with promises of food or something like that, but they never came back. My best friend was killed like this


Video of someone secretly filming a guard and a prisoner. The guard lifts up gun and kills the prisoner in cold blood. We hear screaming in Russian language. Everything becomes chaos. The Guards shout to the prisoners to get back to work. A guard spots the camera and start screaming at the man holding it.


Sec. 9 Black Screen

Rule 2

Sec.10 Interview room

Interview to historian “Alexander Solzhenitsyn”.

Rule 2 states that food is essential, therefore you should only eat what you need at the moment. If you had eaten enough to survive, you should save the rest for later, you never knew when you would be denied a meal.


Sec 11. Images of prisoners eating

Shukhov explains how food rations varied every day, sometimes you were given a decent meal, other times barely any, and sometimes none at all. You had to take care of your food because it was your life.


Sec. 12 EXT. Gulag. Day

Old interview with a guard of the gulags. The interview is in Russian, but the subtitles are in English

GUARD (subtitled)
They are given more than enough food and are treated like humans! Sure, they have to work but after every hard day’s work, a warm meal awaits them.


Sec. 13 INT. Interviewing room. Day

Another old man, ex-prisoner. His name is Fetiukov Shurlyvich

I was considered a lowlife in the camp, no one respected me, but that was the guards’ fault. They didn’t give us enough food, so I had to beg for it. They treated us like lowlife pieces of shit.

Fetiukov tries to cover up his tears.


Rule 3

Sec. 14 Images of Guards

If you wanted to live, you had to let yourself get pushed around. If you didn’t the guards would get angry, there would be consequences. You had to please the guards.


Sec. 15 INT. Interviewing room. Day

This is a quote from Denisovich’s diary, it is something he was told by one of the guards while he was scrubbing their floor.

ALEXANDER reads from a book.

ALEXANDER (reading)
“That’s the way scum wash…They don’t know how to do a fucking thing and they don’t want to learn.

Sec. 16 Images of guards interacting with prisoners

“They’re not worth the bread we give the. We ought to feed them on shit.”


Sec. 17 INT. Interviewing room. Day

A man is sitting in front of the camera but his face is in shadows, the subtitle reads “Anonymous Prisoner of the Gulags”

If you pleased the citizen chiefs, they would very rarely reward you. Maybe they would give you a piece of bread, or an easier job for the day, but only very special prisoners got rewarded. I remember Ivan once should have gotten like 3 days of extra work, but because he was on good terms with the citizen chiefs, he got off with just scrubbing the floor for the day. I personally never got rewarded…


Rule 4

Sec. 18 Video of archeologists in a Gulag

“Don’t keep personal possessions, and if you do, keep them safe and secret” This is what Ivan Denisovich tells us in and extract of his diary.


Sec.19. INT. Interviewing room. Day

Prisoners weren’t allowed to have personal belongings in the camps. If any of these were found, they would be punished and their possessions taken from them.


Sec. 20 INT. Room of a gulag. Day

Historians show how different things were hidden.
A brick is removed from a wall; inside there is a hollow space.

So in their free time someone did this hole and hid his personal possession in it.


A pillow is teared open.

Inside the pillows they hide things such as photographs or notes.

A photograph is found inside.

Look (shows photo) like this. (Smiles)


HISTORIAN talking to camera.

The diary was founded inside a pillow and was really hard to put together because it was mixed up and aged.

Sec. 21. INT. Interviewing room. Day

GOPCHIK is sitting in the chair.

I kept a picture of my wife and kids inside my mattress. I ripped open a hole on the side of it and inside I managed to hide their photo. I was never caught. (LAUGHS)

As he explains this he shows how hi did it with hand motions.


Sec 22. INT. Interviewing room. Day

GOPCHIK is talking.

GOPCHIK (Talking slowly and tired)
I am happy that they founded this diary. This way people can see how horrible this time was for us…

Sec 23. Images of dead people in gulags.

Images of Russian soldiers carrying dead people.

We lived in a place were you had no friends. (Pause) Not because you didn’t want them but because if you got one you knew it would not last longer than a year…

Sec. 24. EXT. Wall of a Gulag. Sun set.

A prisoner is leaning on a wall as he smokes a cigar. Another prisoner comes and asks for a cigarette. He lights his cigar with the other cigar. He inhales a lot of smoke and exhales it really slowly.

(As the scene progresses.)
Either you died or he died. It was a life none of us wanted but were forces to live in. Half my life was a torture but it seemed like no one cared for you. Like if you were no one. After a wile you believe it.



